The Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor has concluded its work. The website has been transferred to the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
Contact DPC.

About the Monitor

Jan Shuard PSM was appointed as an independent statutory officer on 1 August 2019, in her role as Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor.

The Monitor is responsible for monitoring and reviewing how the Victorian Government and its agencies deliver the family violence reforms.

On 1 August 2019 former Victorian Corrections Commissioner, Jan Shuard PSM, was appointed as the new Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor (FVRIM), under section 7 of the Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor Act 2016. Jan Shuard PSM was appointed as an independent statutory officer on 1 August 2019, in her role as Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor.

Ms Shuard took up her role on 2 October 2019, replacing Tim Cartwright APM, the inaugural FVRIM, who finished in the role 1 August 2019.

Jan’s appointment as Monitor was subsequently extended from 1 July 2021 to 31 December 2022 as part of the 18-month extension of the office of the Implementation Monitor functions as announced in the 2021/22 Victorian Budget.

Ms Shuard served as Commissioner for Corrections Victoria for five years, overseeing the state’s adult corrections system. Her outstanding contribution to the public service was acknowledged in 2011 with a Public Service Medal.

She has worked on family violence rehabilitation and prevention and the coordination of prisons across the Victorian and Western Australian justice systems.

The FVRIM was formally established in 2017 as an independent statutory officer of the Parliament after the Royal Commission into Family Violence released its report in 2016. The role is responsible for monitoring and reviewing how effective the Victorian Government and its agencies are in implementing the family violence reform recommendations.

Tim Cartwright APM was the inaugural Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor, appointed from August 2016 to 1 August 2019.
An interim monitor, Simon Kent, served as the acting FVRIM from 2 August to 1 October 2019.
