The Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor has concluded its work. The website has been transferred to the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
Contact DPC.

Monitoring government and its agencies

The Family Violence Implementation Monitor engaged with stakeholders involved in the whole-of-reform programs and initiatives aimed at addressing family violence.

The Monitor engaged with government and family violence sector stakeholders in order to monitor the effective implementation of the Family Violence Reform.

This was achieved through:

  • identifying and sharing better practice
  • alerting decision makers to increased risks when they arise

The role included reporting annually from 2017 to 2020 to Parliament and the community on the progress and effectiveness of the reforms. This was in line with the legislative requirements of the Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor Act 2016(opens in a new window).

Jan’s appointment as Monitor was subsequently extended from 1 July 2021 to 31 December 2022 as part of the 18-month extension of the office of the Implementation Monitor functions as announced in the 2021/22 Victorian Budget. The monitoring continued in line with the Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor Act 2016, with the exception that it was no longer a requirement to produce any future annual reports for tabling in Parliament. As the reports were finalised, each of the seven individual topic reports were published on this website.

The Victorian Government nominated the following documents to guide reform activities:
