The Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor has concluded its work. The website has been transferred to the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
Contact DPC.

Monitoring Victoria’s family violence reforms - Crisis response to recovery model for victim survivors

This report examines the implementation progress in establishing a service system that meets the needs of victim survivors at their point(s) of crisis and supports their journey towards recovery.

12 Dec 2022

This is the sixth of seven topic-based reports, as outlined in the Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor's plan for 2021–2022.

This report examines the implementation progress in establishing a service system that meets the needs of victim survivors at their point(s) of crisis and supports their journey towards recovery.

Monitoring Victoria's Family Violence Reforms: Crisis response to recovery model for victim survivors

FVRIM Crisis response to recovery model for victim survivors
PDF 884.2 KB
(opens in a new window)
Accessible word version: Crisis response to recovery model for victim survivors report
Word 271.82 KB
(opens in a new window)

Child and youth friendly report summary

Find our child and youth friendly report summary of the crisis response to recovery for victim survivors. The summary was prepared in partnership with Berry Street’s Y-Change initiative.

Crisis response to recovery model for victim survivors: child and youth friendly summary
PDF 3.61 MB
(opens in a new window)
