The Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor has concluded its work. The website has been transferred to the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
Contact DPC.


Words that are bolded in this summary are explained in this definitions page.

Crisis This can mean different things for different people. For some, this may be the point where they are in a time of intense difficulty or danger, and they need help quickly to protect themselves. But for others, this may be when they first reached out and asked for help.
Family violence

Family violence looks different for everyone. It could be a parent, sibling, relative, someone you’re in a relationship with, who you live with, or used to live in your home (for example, a parent’s ex-partner) who uses violence.

Family violence can look like hitting, punching, screaming, threatening, speaking down to, controlling behaviours and getting people to do sexual things they don’t want to. It could also look like hearing, seeing or being around the impacts of violence. It may leave people feeling scared, unsafe, alone, and physically hurt. These are just some of the ways people can experience family violence.

Family violence worker A professional that works with victim survivors to understand risk, help them create a safety plan, link in with other support services, and someone they can talk to.
Implementation The process of putting a decision or plan into action.
LGBQTIA+ An abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer/questioning, transgender, intersex and asexual. These terms are used to describe someone’s sexuality or gender identity.
Lived experience In this summary, lived experience is a deep knowledge that is held by someone who has been through or still surviving family violence.
Peer Support Worker A peer support worker is someone who has been through hard times like family violence and mental health challenges. They provide emotional and social support and hope to others and help us know that we are not alone in what we are going through.
System A system is a collection of parts that aim to work together. The family violence system includes Child Protection, Police, Courts, The Orange Door, justice and legal, family violence services and education to help and support victim survivors with their needs at the point of crisis, and through their journey towards recovery.
The Orange Door A free service for adults, children and young people who are experiencing or have experienced family violence. It is a place where victim survivors can go to get help. They also connect people who use violence with the services they need.
Therapeutic services Are made up of professionals and specialised ways of working that provide help or support to victim survivors to feel better about themselves and their future.
